Who is Mercy Airlift?

Mercy Airlift is the worldwide humanitarian aid and logistics organization, established in 1968 for the purpose of assisting and meeting the immediate needs of human beings devastated by natural disasters and complex emergencies worldwide.

What does Mercy Airlift do?

Mercy Airlift collects – warehouses – and delivers foods, medicines, relief supplies, medical teams, relief personnel and volunteers to disasters and emergency sites worldwide. These disasters range from famine, flooding, earthquakes, droughts, explosions, as well as the results of mans inhumanity to man. We also maintain warehousing, inventory control, containerization and transportation responsibilities for other humanitarian aid organizations.

In what countries has Mercy Airlift provided humanitarian aid?

Ethiopia – Guatemala – Kinshasa, Congo – Mexico – Mozambique – Nicaragua – Peru – Philippines – Tonga Islands – Uganda – Zimbabwe – Lebanon – Somalia – Sudan – and Various American Indian reservations throughout the United States.

How does Mercy Airlift receive the needed supplies and equipment for disasters and emergencies?

From its beginning, Mercy Airlift has developed relationships with pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, food processing companies, manufacturers and suppliers of goods and equipment who gladly donate their products and surplus supplies to Mercy Airlift. The items that are donated are required items and supplies to meet the needs of most disaster which occur around the world. These organizations and companies are our corporate donors, and they continue to supply Mercy Airlift with many of the life saving supplies necessary to sustain life in disaster situations.

Does Mercy Airlift store all of the required supplies for these emergencies?

Mercy Airlift maintains warehousing facilities and inventory controls of supplies and equipment for the disaster relief needs of most emergencies which occur throughout the world. As materials and supplies are shipped for relief needs and to disaster areas, the warehouses are replenished by our corporate donors.

How do you know what materials and supplies are need at a given disaster?

When the call is given that relief and aid is needed in any given region, information is quickly obtain from within the region and/or other relief agencies as to what the immediate scope of the disaster entails, and exactly what type of supplies, equipment, and relief personnel are required. That information is then given to the response team planners of Mercy Airlift, and the entire organization is mobilized to respond immediately to securing the supplies from our warehouses or corporate donors if the supplies are not stored at our facilities.

Does Mercy Airlift transport medical and relief personnel?

Relief and medical personnel have been transported by Mercy Airlift, and continue to be transported to areas in need. Additionally, survey teams and crisis assessment personnel frequently travel in advance of the shipments and relief personnel to the stricken areas for surveys and exact requirements of needed aid and relief.

Does Mercy Airlift assist and work with other humanitarian organizations?

Mercy Airlift has worked closely with African Enterprise, Disaster Relief Foundation, Feed the Children, World Vision, as well as many other humanitarian and relief organizations. Mercy Airlift continues to provide complete warehousing/storage, as well as logistic and transportation services to other humanitarian and relief organizations. These services enable Mercy Airlift as well as other organizations to properly store relief supplies, and then transport them when needed in the fastest possible time, using the most economical methods available. Our mission is to facilitate the appropriate transportation requirements to all humanitarian organizations, as well as countries who are unable to secure immediate transportation of critical supplies needed in the shortest time span possible, anywhere throughout the world.

Where do the financial resources come from to support this type of organization?

Mercy Airlift depends solely on the generous gifts and financial contributions of our corporate and individual donors to support our efforts worldwide. Materials, supplies, medicines and equipment needed for the relief operations worldwide are generally donated to us by manufacturers and suppliers. Our financial requirements of maintaining facilities, aircraft maintenance, fuel, insurance, and crews, are met by the tremendous giving of organizations and individual donors.

How can I become involved and support the vision of Mercy Airlift?

You and/or your organization can become a partner of Mercy Airlift in saving lives and by giving relief, comfort, and hope to the thousands less fortunate because of disasters – both natural and man made. Your financial contribution is vitally needed, and it does make the difference.

Copyright © 2024 Mercy Airlift. All Rights Reserved.

Mercy Airlift is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Information On COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

COVID-19 is a type of coronavirus, which is a small germ (too small to see without a microscope) that can spread and cause illness in people. COVID-19 causes flu-like symptoms such as a dry cough, shortness of breath, fever, and body aches. COVID-19 mostly affects the respiratory system. While most infections are not dangerous, it can cause pneumonia (a serious infection of the lungs) and can be deadly in severe cases.