Mercy Airlift has been providing free medical and emergency Mercy Flights for the past 25 years.
These flights have always been available to people in the western states that are in need of transportation – where other means of transportation is not available to them because they are unable to financially afford a commercial ticket, or time is a critical factor to their health, or they may be located in a very remote are where not immediate transportation is available to them.

We provide flights for medical reasons, compassion, special needs, disaster relief, as well as blood and organ donation transportation.
Your tax-deductible contribution enables us to be prepared to provide this emergency, life saving service, so please help us provide this service to those in need.

Copyright © 2024 Mercy Airlift. All Rights Reserved.

Mercy Airlift is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Information On COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

COVID-19 is a type of coronavirus, which is a small germ (too small to see without a microscope) that can spread and cause illness in people. COVID-19 causes flu-like symptoms such as a dry cough, shortness of breath, fever, and body aches. COVID-19 mostly affects the respiratory system. While most infections are not dangerous, it can cause pneumonia (a serious infection of the lungs) and can be deadly in severe cases.